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Theories of Asian Architetcure

This module provides us with knowledge on the history of Southeast, South, and East Asian Architecture. The main ideas of this module are sustainabilities, traditions, and modernity and we are to explore the terminologies, constructions, and architectural design. This is a 100% coursework module with 3 projects provided to us. The projects aim to develop our skills in site analysis and investigation within the Asian region and to enhance our understanding of the historical site. 


We were to produce a sketch journal in the context of traditional streets. In this project, we needed to identify the physical and non-physical contexts with the given criteria. 

This project develops our understanding of vernacular and traditional architecture. By producing an A3 infographic showing the important contents, we were to reflect our knowledge of the chosen architectural styles. 

Green and Brown Realistic Interior Design Moodboard Photo Collage (1).png
Green and Brown Realistic Interior Design Moodboard Photo Collage (3).png


This is a group project and we were to produce a research poster. We needed to analyse the historical street by interpreting how the existing architectural styles of buildings in the street responded to the local contexts and how modernity and globalization effect the development of the architecture. 

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