Design Communication is a 100% coursework module. It introduces the fundamental skills of communication in architectural design and it shows different visualization and expression of space and forms through acquiring the skills in architectural projections. Because of this pandemic, it is held fully online through online platforms such as ZOOM, TiMes, Teams, and Facebook for important announcements and tutorials and lectures.
Since this module is conducted fully online, it takes time for me to adapt to the online learnings. Throughout this semester, I've learned and gained a lot in this module especially in the architectural drawings. Moreover, I think that I have improved my painting skills after the completion of this module. Activities conducted in this module are useful in developing skills in shading, drawing, and colouring.
I have wisely used all the online platforms to search for information and to look for important announcements about the projects and tutorials. All the tutors and lecturers are generously helping us if we have any problems accessing the platforms. As we couldn't meet them face to face, students and lecturers are connecting through Teams, Facebook, and Telegram and our concerns were being responded quickly.
Overall, it is quite an effective way of learning online as all the lecturers, tutors, and coursemates are helpful and are always there if students need helps.
Taylor's Graduate Capabilities
Able to illustrate architectural forms and space through model-making and drawings. Able to produce architectural drawings, compositions, and model
Able to apply my learnings and knowledge into the architectural drawings
Effective use of online platforms for information, announcements and researching
Learn independently in terms of doing research and utilise information effectively. Apply my acquired skills into all my drawings